I am Caby Kim Hozeman, Dutch and born in Rotterdam in 1978.
When I was 30 I moved to Otura (Granada) with my husband and our 7 year old daughter. After almost 3 years Granada we moved to Alhaurin de la Torre (Malaga) and here we live since 2011.
I have studied a lot in Psychology, Meta Coaching, Bio Mechanics, Equine Ethology, Various Horse-training methods, Barefoot Hoof Care, CenteredRiding and Coaching with horses.
This acquired knowledge and my diverse life experiences created my passionate motives in this work !!! How it started…. I
When I was six I strained my Shetland Pony Gijsje for the cart and drove hours through the polder ( typical Dutch landscape) . We went there for picnics and for Gijs I picked "Super Grass" and apples from the orchards.
A year later I got my Tavaritz, a half-breed dapple grey Arab of 4 years. See top picture with my dog Marsja! Although he was slightly younger than me :) He taught me many life lessons. And again a little later came a black English thoroughbred and her name was Dimanche.
Than Sorbon came to live with us he was a super cute black and white Tinker horse... my world was complete!
They were my support in unfortunately for me heavy periods; the loss of my dad when I was 11, all of my grandparents and a good friend.
That’s why I know how important it is to feel happy in life, and horses can help us with that if we listen to them and take time for that.
Through my experiences and studies I know how a horse lives, how he feels, what he needs…
My horses have taught me to listen to them and I learned to understand them.
Everyone can obtain a strong relation with their horse!
It's indescribable how much power these animals have given me and can give to anyone! Every single day again!
My mission comes from my heart:
That a person and a horse meet each other in their pure wishes and needs!
A true statement from Monty Roberts :
If you act like you’ve only got fifteen minutes, it’ll take all day. Act like you’ve got all day and it’ll take fifteen minutes”